by Dwight Cathcart

by Dwight Cathcart

Friday, June 21, 2013

Waldman on Towleroad on Supreme Court (1) and (2)

Towleroad and Ari Ezra Waldman are aware that the Supreme Court will probably be releasing the decisions in the marriage cases Friday morning, June 28, 2013. 

Ari is running a series of explanatory blog posts in preparation these decisions, which promise to be momentous. 

As I have said before, Waldman is good at explaining legal issues affecting gay people for those of us without legal training. Try them out. I have found that I get different posts depending on whether I link to Towleroad from my iPad or my MacBook Air. 

In this post, Ari explains the state of federal marriage law if DOMA is struck down.

In this post, Ari considers the question, “What if there’s no ‘Standing’ or ‘Jurisdiction’”?