by Dwight Cathcart

by Dwight Cathcart

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Saturday, December 18, 2010, the Senate of the United States voted twice on the Lieberman-Collins bill, once to bring cloture to the debate on the bill, and therefore to end the Republican filibuster, and once on the bill itself, at 3:00 pm. The first passed 63-33, and the second 65-31. It is not often when these things happen—when civil rights are recognized or restored or expanded—and, when it happened, I was in front of CPAN2 watching.

The greatest share of the victory belongs to President Obama, who has been beating a drum on this issue for the last three years, creating a climate in which it was possible for it to happen, and to the Congressional leaders, who effectively marshaled their forces in the Congress. But many people have been saying that the hardest push was made by grassroots activists, who kept up the pressure on Obama and on Congress, and who made it happen.

So it is going to be repealed. But in this moment, it is important for us who are here to be determined to remember all those who are not here, who fought for this and other advances of gay rights, and who died or were killed before those advances could be achieved, the men and women who were hounded out of the Armed Forces or were murdered by anti-gay homophobes, or who died from AIDS because the federal government was not pushing prevention programs.

It is important to remember that the damage that DADT did to gay people between 1993 and today is still affecting people, the psychic and physical hurt still causing pain, the experience of many men and women still part of the sum of human suffering. We can’t say, as we have said about other things, We don’t hurt people that way any more, and expect to move on to other issues. The men and women who survived that period, many of them, still live, and it is certain that those men and women still suffer their wounds from that time. We can’t leave those men and women to be the only ones who remember how bad it was.
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Life and Death

I think, the way this blog is developing, at least for now, that I will keep a few subjects running.

Two more holidays to get through before we can get back to work. Thanksgiving was fifteen or twenty of my partner’s family in a beautiful home on the coast of Connecticut. Last weekend was Holly Folly in Provincetown and the Boston Gay Men’s Chorus singing, and we had dinner with friends at a good restaurant to celebrate my partner’s birthday. The weather in both places was warm for the season and the sun was out. Christmas will be here in Boston because my partner will be working around the holidays. I am going this weekend to my daughter’s house where everybody is gathering—including my son and his family—because one of my daughter’s children will be dancing in The Nutcracker

With all this holiday cheer, it is important to note that earlier this week, the Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit heard arguments in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the case brought against Prop 8 in California. We don’t know yet. The cloture vote on the Defense Authorization Bill which included the repeal of DADT has now taken place and we have lost. Some say repeal of DADT is dead. Others say our single best hope for reviving it is Senator Lieberman. DOMA is still alive, and nobody seems to be taking any steps to kill it. Carl Joseph Walker Hoover is still dead, as is Tyler Clementi. And Charles Howard is still dead.

I didn’t mean to turn bitter, here, in the middle of the holiday season, but there it is. It’s like remembering all the men who died during the Reagan and Bush (I) administrations who wouldn’t have died if those presidents had been willing to fund and push prevention. Jesus. Hamlet said, “The time is out of joint!”